Monday, June 1, 2009

Safe & Sound

After a very long day in the car, Scout & Molly are safe at home with Marcie and Matt. The transport went well, and everyone was very excited to meet the two. Here is a picture of Vicki, Scout, and Molly. Vicki drove the dogs from Atlanta, up to Marcie & Matt:

Here's what Vicki had to say about her leg of the transport:

Scout and Molly were super easy in the car, even though Scout somehow managed to unbuckle himself and fall on the floor between the hammock and the front seat. Luckily, he wasn't tall enough to climb over and get my chili dog lunch. :) I could see a nose poking over and hear lots of sniffing, but he eventually gave up and climbed back over and went to sleep next to Molly.

Below is an email we received from Marcie this morning:

They were so happy to be in our home last night. They just loved it. I hated to drop them off at the vet this morning.

We took Molly and Scout out for a very short walk around in the yard around 10 p.m. last night and then they went to bed. They didn't make a peep all night. I took them out around 6 a.m. to potty and they had not had any accidents in their crate! I think they're going to be pretty easy to train. I sing the potty song to them when they go outside and they get so excited! They seem so proud of themselves :-)

Molly is really shy. Scout seems to do ok. I already love them so much. Matt has fallen for them, too. They're so gentle and easy to handle. I heard Matt sneak downstairs to tell them goodnight and that he loves them. It was so cute.

Things were so crazy this morning that I forgot my camera! I'll send pictures this evening. Although I didn't get any good ones. We were so busy with baths and exploring that we forgot to take many. They're not easy to photograph either - I have a lot of Scout's nose pressed against the camera lens :-) He's a nut!

Scout & Molly will be spayed and neutered today, and we'll see what else the vet has to say about their health. Molly has completed her heartworm treatment and seems to have responded well. She needs to remain somewhat quiet until 6/15, as it's important her body have a chance to rest and recover from the hearworms.

Please send good thoughts to Scout and Molly while they're at the vet today. While we're sure they'll be just fine in surgery, they are a very bonded pair, and being seperated today will be difficult for them. These pups have already been through so much together, but we think they're beginning to understand that happiness is headed their way!

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